
Migrants and Welfare

13 Giugno 2013

Il 13 giugno, dalle ore 10.00 alle 17.00, presso la sede del Centro Einaudi – Via Ponza 4/E, Torino – si terrà il Convegno “Migrants and Welfare”, che conclude il ciclo "Democracy, Theory and Practice".


Maurizio Ferrera (Università di Milano and Centro Einaudi) 
From social protection to social investment: new trajectories for the European welfare state

Ferruccio Pastore e Irene Ponzo (FIERI, Torino)
 Multi-welfare. Migration-induced transformations of local welfare systems in times of crisis

Valeria Ottonelli (Università di Genova) e Tiziana Torresi (University of Adelaide)
 Temporary migration, special welfare rights and social equality

Eszter Kollar (University of Munster) 
Health-worker emigration and the problem of institutional feasibility

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