
Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 2017

24 Aprile 2017

The Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth will take place on 24 April (in Bruxelles – Belgium – Address: MCE Conference Centre Rue de l’Aqueduc 118 – Bruxelles 1050). It brings together policy makers and civil society to discuss what the EU can do to ensure that all citizens reap the benefits of truly inclusive growth.

The EU needs to step up its efforts to develop, along with Member States, long-term solutions to improve its social dimension by: fighting poverty; increasing employment; strengthening social cohesion and inclusion for all.

This year, the one-day event will focus on the social inclusion of young people and the solutions that exist for them to reach their full potential. The plenary debate and the workshops will tackle specific issues and lead to conclusions and policy recommendations pointing to concrete ways forward.

For further information